All warehouses of Pharmasia are very sophisticated and 28 feet height, well ventilated building. It has the separate personnel & material entry, uninterrupted personnel & materials flow systems. Sufficient number of high bay lights to ensure adequate lightings in the warehouse, separate dress change area with lockers, toilet & washing facilities. The warehouse is divided into three (03) dedicated & separate parts:
- Raw & Primary Packaging Material Warehouse
- Secondary Packaging Material Warehouse
- Finished Product Warehouse
The raw material and packaging material warehouses of Pharmasia are connected with the production building by dedicated corridor & airlocks at the back side. This corridor/air locks are designed for changing pallets from grey zone to clean / optical clean zone of production building. Two air locks are used to transfer materials from the warehouse to Production. One is for transfer of raw and primary packaging materials to the Zone E (manufacturing and primary packaging area) and the other one is to transfer packaging materials to Zone F (secondary packaging area).