Facilities In Expansion

Herbal & Nutraceuticals

According to WHO, about three-quarters of the world population depends upon traditional remedies for the health care of its people. The use of nutraceuticals, as an attempt to accomplish desirable therapeutic outcomes with reduced side effects, as compared with other therapeutic agents has met with great monetary success. Currently the total global market of Herbal Products and Medicinal Plants is US$ 60 billion with a double-digit growth. The diversified use of plant derived products and its acceptance worldwide made the sector very promising one. According to the World Bank Report, medicinal plants and related products is expected to be US$ 5 trillion by 2050….
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Anticancer Facilities

Cancer is amongst the most expensive and lethal non-communicable diseases globally. the management of cancer mainly relies upon the availability and affordability of anticancer medicines. In recent years, the emergence of newer anticancer medicines has rapidly and substantially caused an expansion not only in the repertoire but also in the average per month cost of these therapeutic agents. Cancer treatment demands substantial cost thus posing huge burden on patient and healthcare system in Bangladesh and Globally. To manufacture and market the anticancer products, Pharmasia has decided to set up a new manufacturing plant as per its business expansion plan…
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