Pharmasia is one of the esteemed sister concerns of SONY-RANGS GROUP, the leading business conglomerates of Bangladesh. Having the diversified business operations including electronics, home appliances, automobiles, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, aviation management, tours and travels etc. Now the group has the reputation and reliable name and fame over the 30 years in domestic market. The journey of Pharmasia starts back in 2008 and now Pharmasia is a highly successful in manufacturing and marketing generic finished pharmaceuticals in the Pharma Industry of Bangladesh.
With the extensive professional experience & expertise, Pharmasia is now enjoying the market presence attaining the name and fame among the healthcare professionals. High standard moral ethics with the manufacturing excellence complying with WHO, cGMP & GLP norms and ISO 9001:2015 principle in practice, Pharamsia is producing more than 100 lifesaving generics with more than 200 SKUs of different therapeutic groups with a wide range of dosage forms based on Total Quality Management (TQM) having the cutting-edge technology and state of the art manufacturing facilities.
At Pharmasia we are geared for the future through our Growth & Expansion Strategy which is premised on the establishment of new world class production infrastructure to transform Pharmasia as one of the leading integrated pharmaceutical manufacturers in Bangladesh and making a strong foot print in world market as well. At Pharmasia we pay tribute to the strength and resilience of all employees and management who are committed to realizing the company’s clearly articulated strategic objectives, the quality of our market offering and the strong relationships with our stakeholders.